Tuesday 7 August 2012

The world's year for Great Britian.

Its been a while since I blogged last and with watching the Olympics I came to realise something very crucial.

Great Britain is that little island off mainland Europe. The 3rd Largest GDP in Europe and 1 of the founding members of NATO and UN Security Council Member. It's comparison tiny to its counterparts in all but 1 thing. Spirit.

USA, Uncle Sam as most refer to it, China, Russia and France are all larger in terms of GDP and land area. Populations are obviously various but again England has the least (just).

That's enough about the actual politics and figures of industrial might because that isn't what I am here to talk to you about.

In the years that have past since Great Britain ruled the waves and most of the then known world. Great Britain has seen wars on all Continents bar South America and Antarctica. Some were ruthless expansions made by the British Empire for the good of the Empire. Others were desperate and withheld the might of a far superior fighting force.

The things that make us British are echoed throughout history from Nelson to Queen Elizabeth II, Isambard Kingdom, Brunel to Issac Newton. Britain, that tiny island has influence all of the world in one way or another.

The spirit of these Islands this year has only ever been seen before in the very desperate occasions and the most affluent of times. This year, 2012, is the time that this country with all its different dialects stands up and reminds the World just exactly who it is and where many of the things they take as sports or engineering or science came from- the hard work of many English people. As for the country itself it has been built on the Blood and Bodies as well as the hard work and solid perseverance of its people which gives rise to what is deemed completely British.


We celebrate our own country in what it has achieved and we are proud to remember those who fell in defence of it. To remember those who lost their lives in attacks from extreme organisations in the world.

Not only do we celebrate these facts whilst the World's spotlight is on us but we celebrate a Royal Family that has guided us through the best and worst times. We celebrate its latest achievement- to have another monarch reach her Diamond Jubilee. This proud momentous occasion for a Queen who is loved the world over and is the most senior of all Monarchies around the world.

We celebrate her reign and may it be even longer.

LONDON 2012!

The Olympics is the main reason the world's spotlight is on our tiny nation. 204 countries will descend on London to compete in the most prestigious competition in the Sporting World. Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be handed out to those lucky few in each event.

The Olympics has been to London 3 times, and three times London has delivered.

Britain echoed through the opening ceremony and medals have flown in the doors for many of Team GB. However we are not just celebrating our Successes we celebrate sport itself. As many sports come from Britain and have found a more worldwide audience.

The next time someone says to you, Great Britain, remember its heritage and history. Remember the few and the many who made the World a better place for the 7 billion of us.

We remember the world. We remember how you like to show us your culture at major events. Time we reminded you of ours.

Long live the Queen and Peace to the World.

Monday 6 August 2012

What is a True Friend.

After an event which happened to a friend of my girlfriend's and mine, I asked myself a question what is a true friend.

Is it someone who is always there. That will pick you up when your down. etc.

Most of the people who read this post will say that Yes that is a true friend. However it isn't that is the sign of a friendly person.

A true friend. A friend who is with you through your hardest and most difficult of times as well as the good. Who will have morals and prevents anything from happening to you.

These days images of a night out or a happy slap can be round the world in less than 1 second.

The Internet can turn one night's drunken mess into a huge embarrassing, humiliating issue. Then coupled with the 'naming and shaming' it is bound to hurt the person involved.

True friends would prevent anything like this from entering them web / the event from happening.
True friend how many people can honestly say they have true friends? How many can you count? I bet its less than 3 but if you have more you are honestly lucky to be in a great crowd.

Dedicated to those who are True Friends.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year to all.

I know its a little late but hey, what can I say.

So, the New Year, 2012 should be a fun one. But can we keep our resolutions this year??

For me, my resolution is to stop biting my finger nails. To do this I recently bought some fake nails to prevent me from biting them. I have not, but the nails however have fallen off and now only have my right thumb nail left. So i distracted myself by beginning to finish the Concorde Airfix Model I have had sitting uncompleted in my parents house from 2 years ago. Keeping my hands at work prevent me from biting them so all is going well but I have a nice 355 days to go.

Can I keep my resolution? I hope so.

But why do we make a resolution??

We make one to have a goal in the coming year. Some want to loose weight, others buy their first house and some to have a baby. Even the big celebrities make them, Rhianna has said she want to have a stable relationship by the end of 2012.

All are able to be done, but you got to find the correct method of completing them. Some are going to be tough (like kicking major habits like mine) and others not so hard. Some may test your knowledge others your patience. Remember that what ever your choice of Resolution, its a promise to yourself and in some cases if you break that promise it could have disastrous consequences. So have fun and carry on.

Just Food for thought. And Good Luck.

Saturday 24 December 2011

Notes on a Film - Courageous - the Art of being a Father

Today I watched the film, Courageous.

"When a tragedy strikes close to home, four police officers struggle with their faith and their roles as husbands and fathers; together they make a decision that will change all of their lives." - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1630036/

Many people would be put off by this film because of its proactive preaching on Christianity. However as an atheist I wanted to watch it and continued to finish it.

This film from an atheists point of views remind me of the Power we each have to heal everything on this world. That power is Love.

There are many forms in my view;
  • Mutual - for friends and family
  • Private - for your parents, husbands/wives and your children
  • General - for everything around.
The General Love is what is missed by most people everyday, and there are those people you hear of you have this ability to love everything. These are the most modest and admired people in the country they live in due to their work for charities, hospices and other similar activities. However these aren't the only ones. Some find time in their busy work to have the ability to achieve something within their own household which defines the family and creates the happy atmosphere that many people will envy.

This Christmas I want to spread some love to you by saying -

Merry Christmas

Monday 12 December 2011

Blog Comments

I have had this blog for around 2 weeks now and the number of views I have has just gone over 1000 in the last few days. This number has made me fairly pleased that even a few people are taking a small chunk of their day to read what I have had to say.

So to those people - Thank you.

Now of course nobody is perfect and nobody never gets tired or has lazy days. Yes, I have written a few of my blogs when in a lazy mood or just about to go to bed for some sleep.

However this does not give people, where ever you are from, the right to slander the writer.

The only complaint I have against blogging is the Anonymous profile that lets you attack anyone you like at will and my only problem lies with those who dare not show their faces by showing a name other than Anonymous, as everybody in my belief has the right to face their accuser.

For instance - A professor of economics had a right go at me for my EU blog post. He decided to go on a rant about how I was illogical and ill informed. It’s fine for him to sit on his chair in a university somewhere and rave and rant. I defined my opinion and I also stated that is was most probably a narrow minded view.

However if this professor had been not under the guise of Mr Anonymous he would have had to think about his attitude towards other on their blogs.

Why is it that whoever runs this site doesn't just scrap the Anonymous profile and has a guest profile which requires them to enter a name so it can be distinguished from other comments posted. After all I’d be nice to know who you are talking to don’t you think??


Sunday 11 December 2011

Nights out and the consequences.

There are millions of people who go out for a night on the town.
Bright lights, loud music and cheap drinks.

A night usual consists of 3 stages.
  1. Pre-drink
  2. the Night Out
  3. Pre-hangover.
Stage 1 - This is usually in a friends house after a good meal.
  • Drinking games.
  • plenty of beer, spirits and mixers.

Stage 2 - After a short walk if your lucky, or a small bus/taxi ride you enter town. This town could be small or it could be a city like Liverpool.
  • go to a club, get in and get the 'first drinks' of the night.
  • depending on the night go to different clubs
  • change drinks - beer, shots, cocktails, alcopops.
Stage 3 - The night is coming to and end around 2/3 am you go looking for a place to get something to eat. ( Burgers, Chips, Kebabs are most enjoyed). Get home and sleep.

But in the course of the night you could be drinking in excess of 30 or even 40 units. More if your sick and continue drinking like serveral idiots i have seen on a night out.

An average 18-25 year old goes on a night out this bad twice per month. Many people go out on night outs drinking less in between these big night outs.  The recommended is 2.5 units per day for a woman and 3.5 for a man. (average from http://www.drinkaware.co.uk/) These push a person's monthly alcoholic unit consumptions to around 100 units a month.

Is this sensible?? Short Answer - NO!

If you want to continue with this, its fine by me, but I am going to letting you know the conditions you'll be facing on your life.

  1.  Most Common - Liver Cirrhosis
  2.  Heart disease
  3. Also has links to dementia and cancer.
So if you have children you need to think, will you be around to see them have children if you continue drinking like this??

Young people when you get to 30, do you want to be kept alive by 30 types of tablets everyday???

Make your choice now!


Saturday 10 December 2011

Deja Vu

Everybody experiences the sensation of being, seeing, doing something that they have already done before.

But what is it really??

Is it a dream of doing something? or a repeat viewing of somewhere you forgot when u were a young baby/child.

Sometime for instances these deja vu occurrences happen with your loved ones and friends. But no one knows why and there are many theories, from the mind tricking itself to the many divine interventions that people believe in.

Personally I think, that the occurrences we have are glimpses, of our destiny, of the path we walk down in our life.

I have had several of these occurrences in the last few months with some places and happenings. I wouldn't go back and too try and change them at all. Its been the choices I made which led me to them and the choices I will make will take me along a path that I think has been written with many paths leading to the objective of my life, whatever that maybe.

I would take the time to say that I am atheist and have no religious views at all.

So deja vu.......... what do you think???